Foundry V12 has been released

I timed this really well. 9 hours ago I released an update to ensure compatibility with Foundry V12. Then as of 2 hours ago (5/22 at noon EST) Foundry V12 has released its first stable release. Meaning many people will now try it out.

What this means for Terminal. I ran through a quick test and there are still some unexpected behaviors. Namely UUIDs behave different than they used to (they now look like this: Actor.NGBKTHZZ5FRjTWQl and Terminal expects you to only provide what is after the last period for its features).

There was also some issues with the Observe Token feature. That I will need to dig deeper into.

If you test out V12, 95% of Terminal features will work straight away! But I’m seeing very few Game Systems are even ready for this release. It may be a while before the majority will be on V12.

Known things not working

  • token & tile elevation is not respected. i.e. You can open a +10 elevation tile from a -10 token
  • GM isn’t able to use the alternative use case “open macro for specific user” where you just give 1 argument (the tile ID) and it opens for them.
  • GM is not given a notification on if the alter door was an unlock or lock action
  • observe tokens has some issues
  • I need to test things are working in The Forge for V12

Things that should change with V12

  • Ambient is now called Environment, The audio for Terminal will get moved into the Interface category since that is a better fit.
  • Try to use the new Application2 interface for all possible UI
  • Darkness can now be Region specific. Add a way to target the darkness for a specific Region
  • UUID copying is different now. Make this easier for users, so they don’t have to edit the string Foundry copies
  • Terminal has gotten advanced. I will need to put together a wiki on GitHub which outlines detailed usage for all features. This helps for other languages too since, that is easier to translate. I’ll also be able to include gifs into the wiki without bloating the module.

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